aint that a ***** you broke it now you gotta fix itHow long does it take to replace a windshield ? on a honda civic ?
If you have a pro do it, about 20 minutes.
about 30 minutes...
15 min tops, call around and get estimates, make sure they use the real deal, cheap generics break, I had one put in, moved my mirror and the glass cracked the next day! I dont need points, Ive had 2 windshields done, they came to my home. I have my windshield coverage in place, so it was easy.
depends on how many blonds do it! lol kidding,about a half hour.
20 30 minutes is way to fast be prepared to have the car and the shop for about an hour.
To remove the old glass and adhesive takes about a half hour. To apply new adhesive and glass takes about 20 minutes. But the adhesive takes a few hours to take a proper 'set' and the should not be washed or driven in the rain for at least 24 hours after the install.
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