Monday, November 22, 2010

How much it cost me to replace the windshield of honda civic 98?

it got smashed by a deer hit and needs to replace completelyHow much it cost me to replace the windshield of honda civic 98?
You're probably going to need part number FW00822, which lists for $219.30. It's a 2.3 hour job, and the installer needs to use a urethane kit, too.

Most glass shops will discount the part, then add the urethane and labor. My company charges about $240 for this job.

Be careful of shops that charge prices close to $100. Reputable shops deal with glass manufacturers that adhere to strong quality control, and your windshield is part of the safety system of your vehicle, helping support the roof in the event of a roll over. I don't think you'll be able to find the glass at that price, but if you do, be very suspicious. They have to make a profit somewhere, so how are they getting the specialty adhesive, the windshield, paying salary, and covering operating expenses for a hundred bucks? I don't know how anyone could do it at that price.How much it cost me to replace the windshield of honda civic 98?
i live in fresno and there are people that come over to where you are at and replace it for only $100. check the yellow pages and call around

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